Eye Health – 3 Myths About Blurred Vision as a Child

No matter how old you are, at one point or another, you have probably experienced a problem with your vision. One of the most common issues people face is a blurry vision. Blurred vision attributes to various causes; sometimes its temporary and other times its more permanent. It could relate to age or the fact that you expose yourself to various elements that harm your vision.
For children, blurred vision is just as common. The truth is that children require eye exams just as often as we adults do. We try hard to preserve our child’s vision and sometimes even misinform them on their eye habits. If this is the case, then educating yourself and your child is the best way to follow through with their eye health.
Myths About Eye Issues
Crossing Your Eyes
Unless you suffer from crossed eyes, doing so for the amusement of others will not necessarily damage your eyes. When we cross our eyes, the muscles will naturally return them to normal. Although crossing your eyes for an extended period can cause eye strain, it will not permanently cause crossed eyes.
Many people believe that squinting is terrible for your vision. Although, this myth carries some truth it is not entirely true. Squinting forces your eye to improve your vision momentarily. As your pupil gets smaller and with the decreased amount of light, your focus improves. On the other hand, squinting can also lead to eye strain. Just keep in mind, if you find yourself squinting often, it might be time to schedule an eye exam.
Eating Carrots
Carrots carry beta-carotene and vitamin A, nutrients that essential your health and diet. However, eating carrots will not improve your vision regardless of how many you eat. Keep in mind that a healthy diet does play a role in slowing down the age-related vision diseases. If your child undergoes any changes, remember to request an appointment with one of our optometrist.
Child’s Vision and Some Truth
Not everything we hear is a myth. Many things cause blurred vision and other vision-related conditions. For example, watching the TV screen too close does lead to some issues. It doesn’t cause vision loss but, constantly staring at digital monitors can prompt digital eye strain. Constant strain can then bring about squinting and forced vision. If this is the case, taking your child to an optometrist can help. Also, remind them to blink and take breaks away from the screen.
Something else to keep in mind that can affect vision is wearing glasses with the wrong strength. Wearing glasses that are too strong or weak for your child’s vision can generate headaches, strain, and eye fatigue. There’s a reason why prescription glasses exist, so watch out for signs of changing vision. Therefore, it is essential to make sure you have your eyes checked regularly and follow up with the possible treatment options your optometrist recommends you.
Visiting Your Optometrist
If your child is experiencing or exhibiting symptoms of blurred vision, schedule an appointment with Eyelux Optometry. Our experienced and professional optometrists can walk you through comprehensive eye exams for your children. We carry the latest technology to ensure that your appointment is quick and hassle-free.