Nearsighted vs Farsighted – What is the Difference?

Nearsightedness and farsightedness are two common terms we hear all the time related to eye health. If you’ve never had to wear glasses or had an eye exam, these two words might confuse you. Nearsighted vs. farsighted vision means you could easily read a book, but might not be able to see what a road sign says. Farsighted vision is the opposite; signs are clear but the tiny font of the restaurant menu? Not so much. Eyelux Optometry breaks down the true definition of what its like to be nearsighted vs. farsighted, while also answering questions like “what is presbyopia?” or “what is myopia?”
What it Means to Be Nearsighted
Nearsighted individuals might suffer from a condition known as myopia. As you might have already guessed, myopia is a condition in which close objects appear clearly, whereas far objects don’t. People who are nearsighted have greater ease when reading and perceiving objects that are closer to their eyes. Depending on the person, that distance is usually anywhere between one to ten feet of fairly clear vision. Whether or not you need a prescription for glasses or contacts depends on a lot of factors from your lifestyle choices to local driving rules.
How often you wear your glasses also depends on how severe your condition is. For example, some people may only need glasses for driving, but can easily watch TV or go to the movies while others may not be able to pick out objects that are just ten feet away.
Being Farsighted: The Other Side of the Coin
Farsightedness is the same as what is called hyperopia, a condition in which nearby objects appear blurry. In this case, objects close at hand appear blurry while objects that are farther away appear more focused. If you can make out road signs at ease, but can’t read the newspaper, then this is likely what you are suffering from.
Another farsighted condition that causes similar symptoms is presbyopia or age-related farsightedness. With presbyopia, as a person ages, they begin to experience natural and gradual changes to the vision, leading to the inability for the eye to focus on nearby objects. It is very common and easily corrected with glasses, contacts, and even surgery.
Signs to Watch Out For
Whether or not, you are already suffering from either of these conditions; there are signs that you should watch out for as you age.
For Nearsightedness
- Regularly or constantly squinting
- Blurry vision
- Headaches cause by eye strain
For Farsightedness
- Squinting
- Eye strain followed by burning or aching around the eyes
- Frequent headaches
- Blurred vision at normal reading distance
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then you’ll want to head to your eye doctor who will able to advise you on the best course of action on how to manage your condition.
Nearsighted vs. Farsighted: Not that Big a Problem
Although there is nothing fun about being either nearsighted or farsighted, these days, both conditions are easily manageable. You have a wide range of treatment options ranging from prescription glasses and contacts to even corrective surgery. So if you are solving from one of these or other vision problems then fill out our appointment request form to get you in the office as quickly as possible!