Glasses Causing Blurry Vision? Here’s Why

A new set of spectacles invariably adds a new dimension to your lifestyle and personality. It can make you look smart, stylish, and even successful. These characteristics are one positive effect of failing eye vision that requires corrective glasses. However, after receiving a proper prescription from an optometrist and choosing the perfect frame; when your new glasses give you blurry image, it can get quite frustrating. The solution to this irking problem may not always lie in the glasses. The key to this is quite often patience. Here are some of the reasons explaining the how’s and why’s of glasses causing blurry vision.
Let Your Eyes Adjust
When you wear contacts or glasses for the first time, or of a different prescription, your brain is just not used to processing the images that you see through your glasses or lenses. Both your eyes and brain need time adjusting to prescription glasses. Some people adjust to this change in a matter of days while others may take weeks to adapt. When it’s new glasses causing blurry vision or a new prescription number in old lenses, you have to give yourself time to adjust. You will notice that as the days go by, your vision is slowly improving and you will see more clearly.
Adjust Your Frames
Sometimes your glasses may cause blurry vision because they have not been adequately adjusted for you. Incorrectly adjusted glasses or glasses that don’t fit, do not sit properly on your face. They tend to slide out of position, pinch your nose and tend to be too tight or too loose and may appear crooked. They may be too far or close to your eyes to give excellent vision.
Many glasses that are well-adjusted in the beginning may become loose with prolonged usage and require to be adjusted again. Contact Eyelux and fill out an appointment request form if you feel that your glasses are not correctly aligned.
Incorrect Prescription
Yes, you just got your eye tested for the correct prescription, so how can your prescription be wrong. Well, the answer is quite simple. Writing a prescription is a human act, and it is entirely possible that your optometrist wrote the incorrect order or that it was misread. Such human error, though rare, is still possible and can lead to glasses causing blurry vision and headaches.
Unclean Glasses
Sometimes your glasses may cause blurry vision because they are not clean. Glasses gather oil from fingertips that attract dust and dirt, slowly accumulating and build over a period. This accrued debris can affect the performance of eyeglasses by causing blurry vision that is not as clear as it should be. Modern eyeglasses have a specialized coating that protects it from most starches. For best results, clean your glasses periodically with a special liquid meant for the purpose. If your lifestyle exposes you to dusty, oily or sweaty conditions, you should clean your glasses every single day to maintain optimum clarity of vision.
If none of these suggestions resolves the problem of glasses causing blurry vision, then it’s wise to consult an ophthalmologist, to rule out any other underlying eye condition like cataract, glaucoma, etc.