4 Common Eye Irritants Explained

Is it an allergic reaction, or is it something more serious that needs professional guidance? This is something that just about everybody who has experienced eye irritant issues asks when the problem strikes. A quick rub often helps, but this may add to the problem and make the irritation worse. Drops can provide relief, but this may only be temporary. If the problem persists, book an eye exam appointment checklist straightaway.
Eye Care is Important
Regular eye checks are important, particularly when it comes to younger people and those of us entering mid-life and thinking of retirement. Genetic engineering can also make certain groups more prone to eye issues, so it is important to attend that annual checkup if this describes you. Eye irritants are another good reason to see your eye surgeon if the irritation lingers.
On the Lookout
If your eyes are irritated, red, or your eyelids are swollen, then you are probably thinking that it is time to seek professional help. Eye irritation is common and affects most of us at one time or other. Time to be careful if it strikes you because eye irritation can develop suddenly and for several different reasons. This article examines four conditions that could cause eye irritant-related issues.
Common Causes of Eye Irritant Issues
1 – Dry Eye Syndrome – Scratchy, dry eyes accompanied by a sensation of stinging could point to dry eye syndrome. This common condition results from insufficient lubricant (tears) flowing from the tear glands. Thanks to aging issues, persons in their mid-60s are far more prone to eye dryness than younger teenagers. Dry eye syndrome can cause foggy vision, which will require professional help from an eye surgeon.
2 – Corneal Ulcers – We all know that ulcers are unwanted, open sores that can erupt anywhere on our bodies. Corneal ulcers are no different and usually plague contact wearers, especially those who sleep with their lenses in. As an eye irritant, corneal ulcers can cause agonizing pain, severe redness and sensitivity to bright or flashing lights. Consult your eye surgeon as soon as possible for the correct treatment plan.
3 – The Trichiasis Factor – Apart from being cosmetic adornments, eyelashes have an important function to perform. They help cushion the repeated opening and closing of our eyelids, but they also serve to keep foreign objects from entering the eye. When eyelashes grow in the wrong direction, they can set off towards the eyeball, where they can cause severe irritation, particularly around the cornea. Plucking misdirected eyelashes may offer temporary relief, but they will grow back. Seek advice from your ophthalmologist.
4 – Allergies and Eyes – Oft times, people complaining of eye irritant issues are suffering from seasonal eye allergies. These allergies can result in significant discomfort that can make even the simplest task difficult. Allergies leave patients feeling negative and can even affect vision. Sufferers can experience excruciating itchiness, which requires intervention from an appropriate treatment program. Remedies include identifying and removing the cause of the allergy. Remaining indoors during peak pollen-count periods can help reduce the side effects.
Play it Again Sam…
If you suffer from seasonal eye irritant issues, a visit to your eye surgeon should be high on your list of priorities. With the correct treatment program, the prospect of normal pain-free vision is a far better option over the alternative. Speak with your eye surgeon straightaway.
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